Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Men and mindfulness

Top left: 'Cloud study' by Trent Chaplin. Top right: 'Pot plant' by Con Polychronis.
Bottom left: 'Keiten Aijin' by Mark Snape. Bottom right: 'Spinnaker Run' by Peter Chaplin.

SALA time is fast approaching and it's great to announce that I'll be hosting another exhibition in my studio/gallery.

This time I'll be featuring my works alongside those by my friends Con Polychronis and Mark Snape. There will also be some striking abstract works by my late father, Peter Chaplin.

The theme of mindfulness is a way of linking all of our different art practices. Art is a method that all four us have used to help re-focus the mind and find purpose.

The exhibition will be open for four days:
    •    Saturday 4 August
    •    Sunday 5 August
    •    Saturday 11 August
    •    Sunday 12 August.
The exhibition will be open from noon to 5pm each day.