Sunday, 22 February 2015


I am a visual artist living in Adelaide, South Australia.

In my current work I am exploring amateur sport. I have been visiting local ovals, beaches and roads to observe people playing cricket and football, having a swim, going for a run and cycling. What I love to see is men and women of all shapes, sizes and ages having a go.

I have never been a great sportsman but I find sport a fascinating subject. In my work I like to explore figures in a landscape and sport is exactly that. Moments of reflection and stillness also intrigue me. Often when I am watching a live game of cricket or football, I stop watching the main action and focus on the things happening on the periphery. These little dramas can be as interesting as the main game.

Below is an oil painting titled 'Non-striker's end'. The setting is Camden Oval at Novar Gardens.

This painting will be part of an exhibition called 'Good Sports' that I will be presenting with fellow artist Kate Bower at the Bapea Gallery in May 2015.